Singing Guide: Beryl Reid

Singing Guide: Beryl Reid

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Beryl Reid (1919 - 1996) was an English actress, with a career spanning several decades, both in theatre and film. Despite not being particularly well-known for her singing abilities, Reid performed in several musicals throughout her career and was praised for her unique voice and comedic timing. In this article, we will explore how you can learn to sing like Beryl Reid and showcase her distinctive vocal technique through some of her most famous songs.

Beryl Reid's Unique Vocal Technique

Beryl Reid's voice was characterized by a deep, rich, and slightly husky quality. Her singing style was often compared to that of Marlene Dietrich due to her sultry tone and phrasing. If you want to learn how to sing like Beryl Reid, here are some tips:

  • Practice breathing exercises that will help you improve your breath control, as Beryl Reid had excellent breath support which allowed her to sustain long notes effortlessly. Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing video is a great place to start.
  • Focus on expanding your vocal range so you can achieve that deep, rich quality that Beryl Reid was known for. You can use Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your range and work on improving it.
  • Experiment with vocal registers and try to achieve a "mix" between your chest and head voice, which will give you that slightly husky quality. Singing Carrots' Mixed Voice video is a useful resource for this.
  • Pay attention to your phrasing and articulation. Beryl Reid was known for her precise enunciation and attention to detail when it came to lyrics. Singing Carrots' Articulation article offers valuable tips on this.

Beryl Reid's Songs

Beryl Reid was primarily known for her work in theatre and film, but she also performed in several musical productions throughout her career. Here are some of her most famous songs and performances:

  • "So What?" from the musical Cabaret: This song showcases Beryl Reid's sultry, low register. You can watch a performance of it here.
  • "Trash" from the musical On the Town: This song features upbeat, jazzy vocals that demonstrate Reid's versatility as a singer. You can listen to a recording of it here.
  • "The Persona Song" from the musical The Killing of Sister George: This song is a great example of Beryl Reid's comic timing and ability to play different characters within a performance. You can watch her perform it here.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources

  • Use Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test to improve your pitch accuracy and hone your singing skills.
  • Take advantage of Singing Carrots' Pitch Training educational game to work on your range and agility.
  • Find songs to match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference with Singing Carrots' Song Search tool.
  • Learn more about vocal registers and how to find your own unique voice with Singing Carrots' Blog post on voice registers.
  • Improve your breathing technique with Singing Carrots' Blog post on breath support.

By incorporating these resources into your practice routine, you can develop your vocal technique and learn to sing like Beryl Reid. Remember to be patient and persistent, and soon you'll be on your way to mastering her unique style!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.